Friday, April 29, 2011

Declaration of Independence

Preamble and Statement of Beliefs; Aladar is the only utopia in which you may find the best friends of man; no, not dogs, but Pokemon! Somehow, humans can communicate with Pokemon, and they are the best parts of society. The life of the people of Aladar is a calm one, with many adventures. The people will always be safe, and society is controlled by officers with Pokemon. Every person will be protected equally, and there will be no harming of others. Every member of society and foreiners are expected to follow the rules of the utopia. This way, everybody is equal. Equality does not overrun this society, though it is favored by most. People are looked at as people, not any less according to their sexuality, skin color, religion, etc. The members of Aladar can have a lot of fun, especially when at work! Like to travel and find out new things? Adventurers are to seek fun with Pokemon; walking around, they may come into battles. It is the fun way to run a society.
Education is stressed also in society, so that everybody can learn things, and have a broad selection of job options. This way, all jobs will have people doing them. Teachers will get along with students and hear what they have to say. Teacher's motto: You Teach Me and I'll Teach You.
Art: Pokemon Competitions! Pokemon will compete with their trainers in a fashionable way to entertain people and win prize ribbons. It is the favorite by the crowds.


-My society does not have Pokemon, which is a big letdown.

-If I asked somebody to battle, they would look at me as if I were weird. This is a problem for people who want to battle just can't.

-There aren't enough jobs for the amount of people. With a Utopia with Pokemon, there would be a lot more options and jobs so that we could be successful.

-People are too racist, homophobic, sexist, or against religion, or a group of people in some way. People should be treated equally, for we are all people in society.

-The news stations are always repetitive and have too much time on their hands to talk about things that don't really matter. While I am looking for current events, all that I find is the Royal Wedding. Tabloids and gossip magazines should not be as popular. People are only people and should not really be famous. They're just like you, but with a different job.

-People in the U.S. are very rude - they don't have manners, respect for anyone or anything, and don't seem to smile as often.

-Life isn't treated as delicately as it should. There is only one life to live, and it must be lived to its fullest.

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