Friday, April 29, 2011

Economics, Work, & Leisure

Poketrucks drive around the different supplies, distributing it to different pokemarts in towns. This way, people only have to walk to get the things that they may need. The currency is Pokedollar. The symbol for a pokedollar is a P with a double strikethrough. Whenever a trainer wins a battle, they recieve pokedollars from the trainer they defeted. Other people will work to get their pokedollars. Every citizen from age 18-63 will work part time at least. This way, people will all pay for themselves.

An average pokemon trainer will journey around the nation to capture pokemon and defeat trainers! Many will attempt to defeat the gym leaders. The gym leaders give the most pay, so once the trainer defeats them they get a lot of money, too.

Another job that could be done is a gym leader. These people stay in their certain gym, with a certain type of pokemon. Other people also stay in the gym and challenge the trainers that come into the gym before they are ready for the leaders.

If people don't want to work with pokemon, that's fine. They can be scientists, teachers, mathematicians, computer geeks, and more! They could be any job in society in the United States, but more with the help of pokemon!

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